Thursday, September 6, 2007

Bush is the "Knower"

Evidently President Bush knew that Saddam didn't have any WMDs or some such whatever.

Duh. Yawn. ZZZZZ.

Such a minor issue. It's not like Bush used the threat of WMDs to manipulate the country into going to war against a sovereign nation that was of ZERO threat to us. In fact, I don't think Bush ever mentioned that Saddam had WMDs in the lead up to the war. Why would he? He knew Saddam didn't have them. Bush wouldn't lie? What would be the pay-off? What would his motivation be for lying?

It makes no sense.

Now, Iran, they so have the bomb. At least that what Bush sez. And really, why would he lie? What would be his motivation?

It makes no sense.


N said...

This is hilarious. Did you see the Think Progress story yesterday that said that Bush still thought there were WMD in Iraq in 2006?

Now I'm confused.

El Tiburon said...

Think how Bush feels. He doesn't know whether to shit or wind his watch.

Randal Graves said...

"I think I may need a bathroom break. Is this possible." So many memories we'll always cherish.