Monday, September 17, 2007

Lock the doors and bar the windows

Did you ever have the crazy-ass, older brother who was always in trouble with the law? He's got an addiction problem and gets shit-faced drunk and turns violent? He used to show up at your house late at night and drunkenly threaten you and your mom and sisters, all crazy-eyes, doped up on some shit.

Your mom is too weak and ineffectual to control him and your dad is really just a waste of space and in truth, it was your Dad's habit of always beating your Mom and you and your sisters and his alcohol problem that made your brother so bat-shit crazy to begin with.

Then finally that brother gets thrown in the big-house for several years and you and your family finally feel safe and secure.

That psycho big-brother may be getting his walking papers and might be coming back home to terrorize the shit out of you again. That big-brother is Bush's own mercenary force, the religious-right Blackwater private army, er, security force. Seems like Iraq has had enough of Blackwater playing target practice with their civilians and have revoked their license to hunt human prey.

And just picture your weak, ineffectual mom, who couldn't control your brother, as Congress.

And your dad, the guy who helped to create your crazy-ass brother? Yep. That would be George W. Bush.

This is just what we need: hundreds of thousands of crazy, violent older brothers returning home with an itchy trigger finger.

Check please.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Bush is The Predicter

Rachel Maddow recently had a great riff on a particularly curious portion of Bush's Latest-Greatest Razzle-Dazzle. I just had to look it up for myself. Even for Bush it's a doozy.

So I sat down at the laptop all in a tizzy, ready for the snark and the irony and the vulgarity of it all.

Then I realized, after reading and re-reading this passage, that I had nothing. These statements are so intrinsically ridiculous and mendacious that it's inane to even try to rebut or prove them wrong. Bush is making a series of predictions on what would happen if the US military were to leave Iraq. To be sure, Bush is less Nostradamus and more Barney Fife.

But since I dabble in the inane...

Let's jump right in.

"If we were to be driven out of Iraq, extremists of all strains would be emboldened. "

"...would be emboldened." Is there any debate that extremists of all strains are already emboldened? Am I missing something? Is there a certain strain of Muslim extremist who is like, "Eh, the Americans bombing and killing Muslims for the oil, it's not so bad." And forget the extremists. I'd say about every moderate Muslim is emboldened to kill and destroy Americans by this point.

"Al Qaeda could gain new recruits and new sanctuaries. "

Seriously, what the fuck? Is there any debate that Al Qaeda has already gained new recruits and sanctuaries by our invasion? Not even the wingnuts can deny it. Shit, Bush has said our biggest enemy in Iraq is Al Qaeda.

"Iran would benefit from the chaos..."

Haven't we been saying Iran has been the big winner so far?

"Iraq could face a humanitarian nightmare. "

Okay, this one put me over the edge. The fact that hundreds of thousands of Iraqis are dead; that millions are refugees; that communities have been ethnically cleansed; that a civil war is occurring; that they have no electricity and no clean water and food; that most of the doctors have left the country; that unemployment is over 50%; that they have an increasing infant mortality rate; that their lives are shattered with no hope for any recovery anytime soon.

Bush is saying that since we are there, Iraq is not facing a humanitarian nightmare?

Seriously, what the fuck?

"Democracy movements would be violently reversed."

Such as the US support of Fateh to overthrow the democratically elected Hamas? Such as our support for Musharraf, a dictator vis-a-vis a military coup? Such as our support for the authoritarian leaders of Saudi Arabia? Such as the rumblings of overthrowing the democratically elected President of Iraq?

"We would leave our children to face a far more dangerous world. "

Gee, you thinks so, President Bush? For that you deserve all of the credit. Just consider the US foreign policy for the next generation Operation Blowback.

"And as we saw on September the 11th, 2001, those dangers can reach our cities and kill our people."

Yeah, we saw, Mr. President. We saw you sit there in a classroom full of children not knowing whether you should shit or wind your watch. You screwed the pooch on 9-11 and now you are screwing us. You have robbed us of our treasure and spilled our blood and mortally wounded multiple nations. Including the one you swore to protect.

To recap, according to Bush, as long as we are in Iraq: Extremists will not be emboldened; Al Qaeda will not gain new recruits or sanctuaries; Iran will not benefit; Iraq will not face any humanitarian crises; no democracy movements will be reversed; our children will be safer; and absolutely no attacks will occur on US soil.

In the spirit then, Mr. President, let me look in the crystal ball and make a Bushian prediction:

Regardless of whether we stay or leave Iraq, George W. Bush will be recorded as the single worst President in the history of the United States. History will place him as one of the most dangerous and destructive leaders of the 20th century.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

The Soft Underbelly of the Atrophied Warrior Class

Glenn Greenwald has another excellent post exposing the leaders of the American war culture in this country, and it is not pretty. How these Great Warriors came to power, advocating war, while never actually being in a war (or much less the military) is simply astounding. It is the Fred Kagans and Bill Kristols of the world who drive our foreign policy. And their idea of foreign policy can be summed like this: War and more war. Then, more war.

I find these people reprehensible.

Bush says he listens to the Boots on the Ground. I guess those Boots are penny-loafers and the Ground is a berber-carpeted Townhouse in a tony-suburb somewhere.

To the Kagan's of the world, soldiers are really nothing more than game pieces in their Global Game of Risk. Soldiers die in war, they say, because that is what soldiers are supposed to do: die in war. The soldiers die in the wars that Kagan, Kristol, et al, proposed and planned and pushed knowing they would never actually have to see that war or sacrifice for that war.

Penny-loafers are not meant for blood and bits of brain and body parts; they are for accelerating the gas-pedals of their German-made sedans as they rush to make their Oh-So Important Dinner-Date with other Masters of the Universe.

These Great Thinkers swirl around at cocktail parties regaling each other with how insightful they are and with mutual slaps to the back as they sip on a chardonnay and browse through the Robb report envisioning themselves as the Great Warriors here to finally save America from its weak-kneed liberalism and aversion to the Great Everlasting Wars that will finally bring Everlasting Peace.

These Great Thinkers, coddled by corporate-supported Think Tanks, sit at their mahogany desks with a brass bankers lamps and Important Books on their shelves written by other coddled, fleshy, Keyboard Warriors.

They submit white papers and treatises and reports and bask in the glow of their own greatness as they are congratulated and highly-praised by the other incestuous factions in their own little New World Order cabal of The Never-ending War. This war to prove the exceptionalism of the True American Spirit of spreading Peace and Democracy with a gun. Then it's off for a two-hour power lunch with some brandy and a cigar and a massage before a nap. Then it's back off to the cocktail parties and mutton and whiskey and more slaps on the back and woeful tales of sacrifice becaus the new masseuse just wasn't as good as their regular girl.

They are Warriors, they will tell you; instead of an AK-47, their weapon is the keyboard. They sacrifice, they will tell you, because it is hard for them to hear of all of the death on the TV screen. They would go fight, they will tell you, but their talents are better utilized here, protecting the Homeland, with their Ideas and Intelligence.

Marvel at Our Brilliance, they will tell you, Because We Certainly Do!

That these Geniuses have been completely and totally wrong on every single aspect of this War in Iraq does not discount their Brilliance but only amplifies it. Because you see, they were not and they are not wrong, they argue. This war will be won. If only they are listened to and obeyed and praised but most importantly: not questioned.

We, that cut and run crowd, can't see the Truth that they alone possess and only they can see. For they cannot be wrong. It is so decreed - by them. They are the Creators of this reality we are expected to live under. They alone are judge, jury and witness to this war. Progress is being made; we are in fact winning. Therefore, no other conclusion is even possible other than their conclusion. All of the actual facts and evidence to the contrary is nothing but shrill bellyaching from the left-side of the Unserious Spectrum and deserve no attention whatsover. Those who have been correct are not invited to the cocktail parties.

I think if you were to just threaten one of these Great Warriors with serving anywhere near a military zone that their bowels would open up and purge uncontrollably for hours and their weak knees would turn to jelly until they collapsed into a heap of their own putrid waste.

Yet they would still possess their townhomes and sedans and penny-loafers; penny-loafers with no stain of blood or brain or body parts.

Friday, September 14, 2007

The Fountainhead needs new glasses.

I find this article from CNN startling. The headline is as follows:

Greenspan: I didn't grasp subprime threat
Former Federal Reserve Chairman says he didn't see early on the damage that lending to those with questionable credit could do to the economy.

I did a quick Wikipedia search for Alan Greenspan and this is what I found: a wealthy, short-statured retiree who gets into a series of sticky situations as a result of his nearsightedness, compounded by his stubborn refusal to admit the problem. Affected people (or animals) consequently tend to think that he is a lunatic

That sounds about right. Greenspan's policies of being a corporate fluff-girl is stuff of free-market, cultish legend. Kind of puts in perspective Bush's ownership society. Guess we can now call it Bush's Foreclosure Society.

Update: Evidently the above Wiki reference was not of Alan Greenspan, but this character:

Apologies to Mr. Magoo.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Right Said Fred

Too lazy to do anything, but if I were to do something, it would look and sound a lot like Noah's post over at The November Blog . Fred Thompson has really been tearing it up lately. And by tearing it up I mean he has as about as much enthusiasm and wit as a turtle on vicodin that rides the short bus to school, to wit:

You know those friends of yours who, when you ask them a rudimentary political question say something like, "Oh, I don't really pay attention to politics. I couldn't tell you whether President Bush was a Republican or a Democrat. Sorry. What's a 'President Bush?' "Well, Freddie Thompson is now officially one of those people. First he couldn't remember "the details" of Bush's Social Security plan (hint: Freddie, there were no details, just a word: privatization).

To be fair, I think a lot of Republicans are playing Hide and Seek with Bush's miserable failure that was Social Security Privatization. Perhaps Freddie really is emulating Reagan, Alzheimer's and all. We'll know the gig is up if he ever makes it to a Republican debate and his first response is, "There you go again."

Now, he doesn't remember the Terri Schiavo case because “That’s going back in history. I don’t remember the details of it.”Going back in history? All the way back to 2005? Something is very wrong inside the noggin' of Freddie Thompson. I'll let you decide which wrong it is:

Fred Thompson doesn't remember the ghoulish details of his party using a brain-dead woman for political gain (shock, I know)? And that his President cut short his vacation at his villa milking horses to fly across country to sign a bill usurping the power of the state of Florida in favor of the dreaded Federal guvment?

Go take Noah's multiple choice exam to see what is wrong with Freddie's noggin'. (Hint: it can't be "d" because that would mean Fred Thompson is in fact a lamp shade.)

Like, Oh My God! This is So Totally 1980s

Remember when President Bush looked into Putin's soul and declared him America's Best Friend Forever? Well, Pootie-Poot has just exploded a new fangled bomb. Not just any old bomb mind you, but the Daddy of All Bombs. Flush with new oil money, the Evil Empire that Ronald Reagan, armed with only a sling-shot, defeated all by hizself, well, it's BAAAACKKK!!!

In addition to the "Who's Your Daddy Bomb", Putin just fired the entire government weeks before presidential elections. Get those blue fingers ready, y'all!

The Republican chicken-hawks and neocons are having wet-dreams over the thought of a 3-way with Russia and the Islamofacistbadguys. Think about it: after bombing Iran, Syria, Yemen then Iraq again, what's left? Russia opens up so many more possibilities. No, we wouldn't actually bomb them, but think of the hundreds of billions of dollars to build more jets and subs and bombs and bribes and payoffs.

Maybe we'll finally get the long awaited sequel to Valley Girl.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

True Newz

Breaking news just released from the wires:
President Bush just gave an impromptu press conference where he announced a major break-through on the Global War on Terror.
President Bush stated, "I am glad to announce that due to my resolve and resoluteness and clarity on the War against the folks who hate our children, we have had a major victory against the suiciders who want to kidnap and torture your grandmothers. In other words, we did somethin' good and I'm looking forward to telling you about it.
First, any guesses on what the news is? Nah, I'm just funning. I'll tell you. Our security forces have finally brought to justice the nineteen suicider pilots who flew them planes into the Trade Center and the Pentagon and that field out there. They are no longer a threat to come here and steal your kidneys while you are sleeping."
A reporter then asked the President what he says to those people who claim that the 9-11 hijackers had died along with everyone else when the planes crashed, the President responded, "Those people who claim that, well, I don't think they hate America. Not all poor people are killers. We are in Iraq fighting folks who want to come here and fiddle-faddle your sister when she's passed out drunk. That's not right, and as President I swore to protect your drunk sister from fiddle-faddling. Now, I'm looking forward to seeing these hijackers brought to justice."
When pressed again on the apparent contradiction that the 19 hijackers were in fact dead and had been dead since September 11, 2001, the President turned and tried to exit through a brick wall and ran into a sign that read: "President Bush, the actual exit is the other way, please turn around before you hit this wall."

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Separated When Hatched?

(Brutal photoshop by El Tiburon)

We report. You decide.

*Tall, lanky and sexless with shriveled male genitalia.
*Believes in killing and converting those he disagrees with.
*Spews hatred on the TV screens.
*Is worshipped as a hero by millions of intolerant idiots.
*Somehow remains free after masterminding 9-11.
Recent quote, after calling for more American bloodshed:
"The second solution is from your side," he said. "I invite you to embrace Islam." (emphasis added)

*Tall, lanky and sexless.
*Believes in killing and converting those he doesn't agree with.
*Spews hatred on the TV screens.
*Is worshipped by millions of intolerant idiots.
*Somehow remains free after crappy book after crappy book.*
Recent quote:
"We should invade their countries, kill their leaders and convert them to Christianity." (emphasis added.)

Granted, OBL isn't as scary looking in the daylight. And true, OBL doesn't have to sneak up on a glass of water. It goes without saying that OBL doesn't have an addam's apple the size of a VW van. Ok, OBL wasn't rejected as a zombie from Michael Jackson's Thriller video for looking too realistic. Doubtful that OBL has ever heard this phrase when naked, "Is that a shriveled penis or an aborted rat fetus between your legs?"
But that doesn't mean that Stan Coulter and Osama bin Laden aren't BFF!
*Technically, Stan Coulter committed no crime by statute by writing these books. But it certainly is a crime against humanity.

No Mention If Shot Directly in the Ear

The Washington Post recently reported,

"according to one senior intelligence official in Washington. "If a bullet went through the back of the head, it's sectarian," the official said. "If it went through the front, it's criminal." (emphasis added.)

Using this new metric, I have solved the following crimes:

Pat Tillman*: Originally reported as death by "friendly fire." It was finally revealed that Pat Tillman was not killed by "friendly fire" while engaging the enemy, but was shot in the face at a very close range. Therefore, his death was not sectarian, but a criminal act, since he was shot in the face at a close range. Therefore, the person who killed Pat Tilllman could only be Dick Cheney.

John F. Kennedy: As we all know, JFK was shot in the back of the head while driving through Dallas, Texas. Using this new metric, his assassination was the result of sectarian violence. Therefore, Osama bin Laden killed JFK. Or, it could also have been Dick Cheney.

*Pat Tillman's death and subsequent cover-up is yet another disgusting and tragic legacy of this insane war. For more read this and this.

Sunday, September 9, 2007

What in the Wide World of Sports is Going on Here?

I believe I just saw a dude get wanked off right there on the HBO tubes. I had heard that this show, Tell Me You Love Me was borderline pornographic. Me thinks we can scratch out the 'borderline' part.

Not to offend anyone, but I spied a penis or two and a nut-satchel as well. Of course I saw some boobies and a vagina!

But right there towards the end, as one couple is watching the tube, she pulls it out and starts the wanking. And I don't mean under a pillow or under his shirt, but right there on my TV screen. And let's just say they kept the camera rolling for the money shot. But wait, there's more: the last scene involved the elderly couples-counselor going downtown on her husband.
Bravo to HBO for producing what appears to be another high quality, adult-themed series that doesn't act like its audience is made up of teenagers or the Religious-Right.

It makes all the "cocksuckers" and "cunts" from Deadwood seem so quaint.
I can't wait for the wingnuts to start the Outrage Alerts.

Hall of Shame

The architect has been selected to design the George W. Bush Library. Some preliminary designs:

Perhaps some enterprising entrepeneur can design a travel package that combines a trip to the George W. Bush Library and this other place of pure fantasy and make-believe.


Back in March when Abu Gonzales was hanging on as the AG, he gave a speech where he said the following:

“I’m not going to resign. I’m going to stay focused on protecting our kids.”

Protecting our kids? I found this very curious. It seemed to come out of left field. Obviously he was trying to cover his ass and divert attention away from his atrocious and incompetent tenure as the AG and his involvement in the US attorney purge scandal.

Then I came upon this passage in The Wimp Factor (p. 176) by Stephen Ducat:

In 1997, GOP pollster Frank Luntz fired off a memo to Congressional Republicans titled "Language of the 21st Century." He told his comrades, "[We need not] change our substance or create a separate women's agenda" because "listening to women and adapting a new language and a more friendly style will itself be rewarded." Elsewhere in the memo, he waxes more brazenly Machiavellian and instructs his fellow Republicans, "Women consistently respond to the phrase 'for the children' regardless of the context." (Emphasis added.)

So it wasn't out of left field, but out of the Luntzian Republican playbook of trying to garner support and sympathy via words and phrases. Because the last thing Republicans are capable of is accepting responsibility and having an iota of accountability.

Color me neither surprised nor shocked.

Saturday, September 8, 2007

This Could Get Real Ugly

The University of Texas Longhorns are down 14-o to TCU. If UT loses this game, it could get real ugly real fast for the Longhorn Nation. Last week UT barely survived Arkansas State. That game and this TCU game (up to this point) make for 5-sub par outings for the Horns.

"One-Vince wonder." It may be time to accept that it was due to the Superman-like abilities of Vince Young that produced the 2005 National Championship and the only conference championship ever for Mack Brown. Take away Vince Young and UT doesn't beat Michigan in the Rose Bowl, much less USC for the MNC.

Coach Darrell Royal cemented his place in Longhorn lore by one of the gutsiest calls in sports history: veer pass 53 to defeat the Arkansas Razorbacks in the Game of the Century.

Even the disaster that was John Mackovic had "roll left".

Mack Brown has a last second missed field goal by Michigan to secure that victory. Mack Brown had the legs of Vince Young to defeat USC. As UT fans ,we see it time and time again: our team is simply out coached. He has no fire, no brimstone. As much as I hate Oklahoma, Bob Stoops is Game Time. He wants to not only but win with a bad attitude. I recall one of the blow out games last year or the year before, the first thing out of Mack's mouth was, "It's a shame the score got out of hand." What the fuck? Oh, the poor little other team. Hey, fuck the other team. Too fucking bad the score got out of hand. That's the way it goes. But not in Mack's view. His players are "good kids" not men.

I know, Mack Brown has won at least 9-games every season he's been at UT and has one of the best winning percentages. A closer inspection reveals that many of those victories came against sub par teams. No conference championships. Two BCS bowls. And remember, both of those BCS bowls were with Vince Young.

The stats and percentages on paper put Mack Brown at the head of the college coaching class, no doubt. He will continue to win 9-games a year. But unless another Vince Young appears, I'm afraid it's going to be another generation before we see another National championship here in Austin.

Update: Nevermind.

Seriously, Horns won in a blow-out. Most inspired half I've seen from the Horns in a long time. Total domination on boths sides of the ball. Long season. We'll see.

Friday, September 7, 2007

At Least he didn't add "Biotch!"

Press is reporting that when asked by Australia Deputy Prime Minister Mark Vaile how the US was doing in Iraq, Bush replied, "We're kicking ass."

Some related stories:

When some kid at the ice cream parlor questioned Bush on one of his Iraq policies, Bush replied, "Up your nose with a rubber hose."

In the hallway after homeroom, someone shouted out his name. Bush replied, "That's my name. Don't wear it out. I'll need it next year."

When a 3rd grader recently challenged Bush to a fight, Bush replied, "You want to fight? Join the army. You want to fight? Stick your head up my butt and fight for air."

Recently at a family dinner, Bush let a fart go, the silent, deadly type. When his daughters accused Bush of being the culprit , he replied, "He who smelt it, dealt it."

The Leader of the Free World. Biotch.

Looks like it's time for another round of tax cuts for the wealthy.

You know, to help the working stiffs.

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Pulp Fiction - Texas Version

This man is Kenneth Foster, Jr. He was sentenced to death for murder. Funny thing, he didn't commit the murder. This is not disputed. In fact, the actual murderer has been convicted and executed. Kenneth Foster was convicted under a Texas statute called the "Law of Parties". In a nutshell, this means you are guilty by association. So, again, it is not disputed: Kenneth Foster did not murder anyone. He was several yards away from the murder. Nevertheless, he was sentenced to die.

The conclusion of his story at the end.

This is Colton Pitonyak. He attended the University of Texas at Austin. Colton was arrested for the murder of his friend, Jennifer Cave. Jennifer's body was found in Colton's West Campus condo. In the bathtub. Her hands and head were found elsewhere. Colton fled to Mexico.

The conclusion of his story at the end.

This is Phill Raije Rian, a 41-year old Austin, Texas woman. She had a sexual relationship with a neighbor over a year or so. They had discussed getting married. The neighbor boy was 16-years old.
The conclusion of her story at the end.
Kenneth Foster, Jr., was sentenced to die for a murder he did not commit. After an international outcry and thousands of letters of protest, his life hung in the balance. In an extremely rare occurrence, the Texas Board of Pardons and Paroles recommend that his life be spared. Texas Governor Rick Perry agreed.
Kenneth Foster's life was spared from the electric chair at the last minute for a murder that everyone knew he did not commit.
Colton Pitonyak was tried and convicted of savagely murdering his 19-year old friend in a drug-induced haze; hacking her head and hands off of her body.
Colton Pitonyak was sentenced to 55 years in prison.
Phil Raije Rian was convicted of child molestation. She had a sexual relationship with her 16-year old neighbor. A sexual relationship. A relationship in which the boy said they discussed getting married when he became of age. These two people had sexual intercourse.
Phil Raije Rian was sentenced to 23 years in prison.
Quick recap:
No murder: Death row
Gruesome Murder: 55 years
Sex: 23 years.

Made-for-TV Movies Write Themselves

Just about finished the first draft of the script for "Clash of the Nancy Boys". We are stoked because we locked in the leads to play Larry Craig and Mitch McConnell.

Now, if anyone knows how to get hold of Howdy Doody, we have a part that he would be perfect for.

Bush is the "Knower"

Evidently President Bush knew that Saddam didn't have any WMDs or some such whatever.

Duh. Yawn. ZZZZZ.

Such a minor issue. It's not like Bush used the threat of WMDs to manipulate the country into going to war against a sovereign nation that was of ZERO threat to us. In fact, I don't think Bush ever mentioned that Saddam had WMDs in the lead up to the war. Why would he? He knew Saddam didn't have them. Bush wouldn't lie? What would be the pay-off? What would his motivation be for lying?

It makes no sense.

Now, Iran, they so have the bomb. At least that what Bush sez. And really, why would he lie? What would be his motivation?

It makes no sense.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Ahmed Foley?

I think this Serge would have a better chance of working in Iraq than Bush's Surge


The following quote is why I love TRex from over at FireDogLake.

And as a gesture of good faith, I would like to thank you profusely for mulishly and obstinately refusing to slink away in shame over the scurrilous and patently false charges that you’re a totally major ass-bandit like myself.

And by love, I don't mean the way Republicans love public restroom stalls or diapers and prostitutes or young, male Congressional pages or Stan Coulter, but in a purely platonic way on a count he is one funny fucker. Read the entire column.

This is Going to Be Most Excellent

Glenn Greenwald has another superb post on the supposed He-Men of the Republican Punditry class.

This passage, though, is the Most Excellent part:

Indeed, as this Mark Hemingway "sissy mary" outburst illustrates, the opposite is almost always true. The gap between the Mythological Right-Wing Male Leader and the reality of their actual leaders is virtually infinite. Examining that gaping disconnect between what their leaders really are and what they pretend to be -- and highlighting the manipulative cultural themes the right-wing has wielded to win elections -- is the topic of my current book.

The book is scheduled to be released towards the end of the GOP primary season in March or April, as it will describe the artificial glorifying techniques certain to be
used no matter who the Republican nominee is during the 2008 election.

Glenn has two best-sellers to his name and is one of the smartest, insightful voices in the blogosphere. Or elsewhere for that matter. I can't wait for the histrionics and blubbering from the Manly-Men he outs as little thumb-suckers in his upcoming book.

Of course I will also be awaiting the predictable "homosexual" smear campaign that is inevitable from the completely heterosexual "why do you ask?" Republican hacks.

On the same topic, I recommend The Wimp Factor as a primer for Greenwald's book.

Oh, this book may also be good reading if trying to understand today's Republican male.
*LOLcons via Sadly, No by way of Jon Swift.
Update: From the not-really related files, I received an e-mail notice today from Robert Jensen about his upcoming book: Getting Off (Pornography and The End of Masculinity).
From the Amazon Bio:
Robert Jensen is a professor of media law, ethics and politics at the University of Texas, Austin. He is the author of Heart of Whiteness and Citizens of Empire. He also writes for popular media, and his opinion and analytic pieces on foreign policy, politics and race have appeared in papers and magazines throughout the United States.

Of Mice and Men

Sometimes the stupidity is just, what's the word? Oh yeah, stupid.

The latest thumb-sucking incident from the pooped-in-their-pants Republicans is Congressman Jack Kingston of Georgia. From Think Progress:

Kingston refuses to correct reference to ‘Demoncrats.’
In a statement released over the summer recess, Rep. Jack Kingston (R-GA) referred to Democrats as “Demoncrats.” “Demoncrats and Republicans Split Over Government Healthcare,” the statement read. A Kingston spokeswoman called it a mistake and an “obvious typo,” but CQ reports:

Typo? Probably. But apparently not one Kingston’s office cares to correct. A month after its initial posting, the “typo” statement not only is still on Kingston’s House Web site, it’s been moved to a prominent spot on the opening page.

These grown men simply have no shame. My bet is that Kingston is racing to the TrademarkStore to protect his cleverness. Keep in mind: these people are ostensibly Serious People elected to govern the most powerful nation in the world. Yet they run around like school-yard brats spewing silly, juvenile taunts.

The saddest aspect is the taunts are just so simple-minded. Demoncrats, get it? HA HA? Sounds like Democrat but it has the word demon it, that's HIGH-LARIOUS!

The CleverMeisters have coined such gems as: theDemocrat party; the defeatocrats, dumbocrats. They got a million of 'em.

Republicans think this all just so much fun! Thing is, since Republicans have no sense of humor, they are easily amused by such sophomoric antics. Just going Republican can suck teh funny right out of you.

The so-called Party of Responsible Adults appears to be nothing more than pretend-adults incapable of adult actions and accountability.

Let me see if I can match their maturity and cleverness:
Republicans, you're a bunch of douchebags. Suck on this!

Yeah, not much satisfaction in that. Guess I'm not Republican material.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Small, Tiny, Itty Bitty Baby Steps

Want to know what gives us liberal blog-types wood?

When a MSM Bobble-Head actually confronts a right-wing lie with the actual truth.

Happens, oh, about every 30th fortnight or so.

Of Course.

It's a safe bet that just about every, single Republcan initiative or idea is not the result of some grass-roots movement but a bull-shit, Republican bowel movement.

To call the Republican party a Potemkin Village is an (say it with me) insult to Potemkin Villages.

But the extent that they will go to in order to rig elections is astounding. The Republican Pary has been doing it since the halcyon days of Reagan and it continues to this day.

It's like Republicans realize the only way they can get lie to their date while dropping roofies in their drinks. Except going to prison they get hired as campaign managers and cush gigs at the Heritage Foundation. Republicans realize they will never get elected on their unadulterated platform as is. They must rely on Luntzisms and election fraud.

They really are little titty babies.

The Nation Also Wept

So David Souter was shattered and wept for months after the Bush v. Gore decision.
We all felt your pain, brother. The frightening thought is that Justice Souter thought about resigning. Oh, the humanity.
Talk about the King of All Frivolous Lawsuits, Bush v. Gore is a black eye on the Supreme Court and the shame of the nation.
With that said, I'm pleased as a peach that Bush was installed as the Prez. More on that at another time.

Monday, September 3, 2007

Just Figure It's a Done Deal

This can be a bit jarring to read, but it's hard to argue with Arthur (although I will). He is talking about the obvious as a pie-in-your-face lead up and inevitability of the impending attack/war with Iran.

It's not like we can all sit back and pretend we didn't see it coming, or worse, pretend that the Democrats were going to prevent it. To the point, his beef is with the "online liberal netroots":

In record time, the online liberal netroots have proven to be a continuation of morally corrupt, intellectually bankrupt, and ultimately meaningless Washington politics by allegedly "new" technological means. There is no "there" there. A big, fat zero.

Nothing at all, except a repellent exercise in vacuous bloviating and narcissistic self-absorption and self-congratulation.

Well done, suckers. You're helping to lead the way to the next world war. Aren't you
just swell.

Remind me someday to tell you what I actually think about these specimens of inhumanity who, at a critical moment in history, have rendered themselves worthless beyond all hope of redemption.

Yeah, straight to the gut. The immense amount of anger and frustration Arthur feels is painfully obvious. I feel it, too. Nothing wrong with holding the netroots accountable, but a might unfair and misplaced.

Safe bet to say that if the Democrats had not won in 2006 we would already be in Iran. Obviously, the netroots had a lot to do with that. The liberal netroots is ostensibly our only line of defense against the MSM and the good old boy political network. In fact, I think it is amazing the power and ability that the liberal netroots has shown.

But with that power and accolades and guest appearances on the TeeVee show does come some responsibility. So, yes, I agree with Arthur that The Biggest Threat right now is the impending invasion of Iran. And what the fuck are we going to do about it?

Most evident, at this point in time, it appears that nobody has the power to stop Bush from attacking Iran. Technically, I suppose, some Democrat who was a Leader, let's say, could de-fund the entire shooting match. But it ain't gonna happen.

Therefore, it seems to me the only recourse is to continue to harangue and threaten the Democrats in Congress 'cause it's our only chit, as far as I can tell.

My Crisis of Faith with the Democrats is running dangerously close to empty. But what is the alternative?

Arthur doesn't offer up any solutions. Of course, there are no real solutions. A hand-full of Democrats in Congress would stop this insanity yesterday. Sadly, too many will not. It's morbidly funny how the Republicans seem absolved of any culpability with this war. Hey, they seem to be saying, if you want to stop it Democrats, then stop it!

The attack hasn't happened yet. Maybe with a couple of seconds left on the clock, some Hail Mary play will be divined upon us and a larger and greater disaster will be averted.

Let me add: The liberal netroots have proven themselves time and time again. There are so many true American heroes out in the blogosphere that when (or if) the attack on Iran occurs, in no way are the liberal netroots culpable in any form or fashion whatsoever.

Bush Celebrates Labor Day

Today, Labor Day, Bush made a surprise visit to Baghdad.

Makes sense, really. Bush can definitely take credit for creating hundreds of thousands of jobs... in Iraq.

No doubt his next stop will be some factory in China for more evidence of his Greatness of job creation and China.

Truth is Perspective

Tucker Carlson is crusing for gay sex in a public men's room known for 'cottaging'.

He finds a hook-up. Excitedly, he runs to get his gay friend and they return for a gay 3-way.

At some point someone bumps their head or something.

That's the way I tell the story. Probably closer to the truth.


What TBogg said.

Might I add, that out of all of the right-wing turdtwats, Bill Kristol is the King of all the Turdtwats.

This is what the KOATT said back in 2003 to Terry Gross on NPR's Fresh Air":

"I think there's been a certain amount of, frankly, Terry, a kind of pop sociology in America, that, you know, somehow the Shia can't get along with the Sunni, or the Shia in Iraq just want to establish some kind of fundamentalist regime. There's almost no evidence of that at all. Iraq has always been very secular."

And so it goes.

Take Ball. Go Home.

Little children. Spoiled little titty babies. Rotten little shit-heads. Wonder where all the littleness comes from.

Sunday, September 2, 2007

Tearooms and Cottaging. Sounds So Refined, Really.

I really had no idea that this was such a scene. More has been written on this topic in the past few days that I really have nothing to add. Except that I eagerly await the next non-gay Republican to be outed.

It does, in a way, remind me of my high school days and my high school girlfriend. It was during the early 80s and she, being a Good Catholic Girl, we didn't exactly have access to anything resembling a bedroom. Instead, our standard plan was to tell her parents that we were going for dinner and a movie. The dinner was always good, I guess, yet we somehow managed to skip the movie. This gave us the much needed time to indulge ourselves.

So sex for the two of us (I was her first) was usually in the back of my SUV on some deserted, country road. Truth is, we had a lot of good times in the back of my rig; the thrill of being out on some secluded patch of road or out in the countryside underneath the stars. (One day at dusk a wayward hunter did stumble upon us.)

I look back fondly on those days and nights of illicit and adoloscent sex with my Good Catholic Girlfriend in the back of my SUV. No doubt, the tradition carries on to this day with teenagers across this country.

Fortunately, I was able to out-myself from behind the steering wheel and folded-down seats and the starry night into a home with a bedroom and a door.

Whatever shadenfrude many of us are feeling about Larry Craig, it's really a shame that a grown man has to cruise for sex in a public bathroom stall. I don't blame the Republican party and the Religious-Right entirely, just mostly.