Wednesday, September 5, 2007

This is Going to Be Most Excellent

Glenn Greenwald has another superb post on the supposed He-Men of the Republican Punditry class.

This passage, though, is the Most Excellent part:

Indeed, as this Mark Hemingway "sissy mary" outburst illustrates, the opposite is almost always true. The gap between the Mythological Right-Wing Male Leader and the reality of their actual leaders is virtually infinite. Examining that gaping disconnect between what their leaders really are and what they pretend to be -- and highlighting the manipulative cultural themes the right-wing has wielded to win elections -- is the topic of my current book.

The book is scheduled to be released towards the end of the GOP primary season in March or April, as it will describe the artificial glorifying techniques certain to be
used no matter who the Republican nominee is during the 2008 election.

Glenn has two best-sellers to his name and is one of the smartest, insightful voices in the blogosphere. Or elsewhere for that matter. I can't wait for the histrionics and blubbering from the Manly-Men he outs as little thumb-suckers in his upcoming book.

Of course I will also be awaiting the predictable "homosexual" smear campaign that is inevitable from the completely heterosexual "why do you ask?" Republican hacks.

On the same topic, I recommend The Wimp Factor as a primer for Greenwald's book.

Oh, this book may also be good reading if trying to understand today's Republican male.
*LOLcons via Sadly, No by way of Jon Swift.
Update: From the not-really related files, I received an e-mail notice today from Robert Jensen about his upcoming book: Getting Off (Pornography and The End of Masculinity).
From the Amazon Bio:
Robert Jensen is a professor of media law, ethics and politics at the University of Texas, Austin. He is the author of Heart of Whiteness and Citizens of Empire. He also writes for popular media, and his opinion and analytic pieces on foreign policy, politics and race have appeared in papers and magazines throughout the United States.

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