Monday, September 3, 2007

Just Figure It's a Done Deal

This can be a bit jarring to read, but it's hard to argue with Arthur (although I will). He is talking about the obvious as a pie-in-your-face lead up and inevitability of the impending attack/war with Iran.

It's not like we can all sit back and pretend we didn't see it coming, or worse, pretend that the Democrats were going to prevent it. To the point, his beef is with the "online liberal netroots":

In record time, the online liberal netroots have proven to be a continuation of morally corrupt, intellectually bankrupt, and ultimately meaningless Washington politics by allegedly "new" technological means. There is no "there" there. A big, fat zero.

Nothing at all, except a repellent exercise in vacuous bloviating and narcissistic self-absorption and self-congratulation.

Well done, suckers. You're helping to lead the way to the next world war. Aren't you
just swell.

Remind me someday to tell you what I actually think about these specimens of inhumanity who, at a critical moment in history, have rendered themselves worthless beyond all hope of redemption.

Yeah, straight to the gut. The immense amount of anger and frustration Arthur feels is painfully obvious. I feel it, too. Nothing wrong with holding the netroots accountable, but a might unfair and misplaced.

Safe bet to say that if the Democrats had not won in 2006 we would already be in Iran. Obviously, the netroots had a lot to do with that. The liberal netroots is ostensibly our only line of defense against the MSM and the good old boy political network. In fact, I think it is amazing the power and ability that the liberal netroots has shown.

But with that power and accolades and guest appearances on the TeeVee show does come some responsibility. So, yes, I agree with Arthur that The Biggest Threat right now is the impending invasion of Iran. And what the fuck are we going to do about it?

Most evident, at this point in time, it appears that nobody has the power to stop Bush from attacking Iran. Technically, I suppose, some Democrat who was a Leader, let's say, could de-fund the entire shooting match. But it ain't gonna happen.

Therefore, it seems to me the only recourse is to continue to harangue and threaten the Democrats in Congress 'cause it's our only chit, as far as I can tell.

My Crisis of Faith with the Democrats is running dangerously close to empty. But what is the alternative?

Arthur doesn't offer up any solutions. Of course, there are no real solutions. A hand-full of Democrats in Congress would stop this insanity yesterday. Sadly, too many will not. It's morbidly funny how the Republicans seem absolved of any culpability with this war. Hey, they seem to be saying, if you want to stop it Democrats, then stop it!

The attack hasn't happened yet. Maybe with a couple of seconds left on the clock, some Hail Mary play will be divined upon us and a larger and greater disaster will be averted.

Let me add: The liberal netroots have proven themselves time and time again. There are so many true American heroes out in the blogosphere that when (or if) the attack on Iran occurs, in no way are the liberal netroots culpable in any form or fashion whatsoever.

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