Thursday, September 13, 2007

Right Said Fred

Too lazy to do anything, but if I were to do something, it would look and sound a lot like Noah's post over at The November Blog . Fred Thompson has really been tearing it up lately. And by tearing it up I mean he has as about as much enthusiasm and wit as a turtle on vicodin that rides the short bus to school, to wit:

You know those friends of yours who, when you ask them a rudimentary political question say something like, "Oh, I don't really pay attention to politics. I couldn't tell you whether President Bush was a Republican or a Democrat. Sorry. What's a 'President Bush?' "Well, Freddie Thompson is now officially one of those people. First he couldn't remember "the details" of Bush's Social Security plan (hint: Freddie, there were no details, just a word: privatization).

To be fair, I think a lot of Republicans are playing Hide and Seek with Bush's miserable failure that was Social Security Privatization. Perhaps Freddie really is emulating Reagan, Alzheimer's and all. We'll know the gig is up if he ever makes it to a Republican debate and his first response is, "There you go again."

Now, he doesn't remember the Terri Schiavo case because “That’s going back in history. I don’t remember the details of it.”Going back in history? All the way back to 2005? Something is very wrong inside the noggin' of Freddie Thompson. I'll let you decide which wrong it is:

Fred Thompson doesn't remember the ghoulish details of his party using a brain-dead woman for political gain (shock, I know)? And that his President cut short his vacation at his villa milking horses to fly across country to sign a bill usurping the power of the state of Florida in favor of the dreaded Federal guvment?

Go take Noah's multiple choice exam to see what is wrong with Freddie's noggin'. (Hint: it can't be "d" because that would mean Fred Thompson is in fact a lamp shade.)

1 comment:

N said...

The correct answer is "e"