Monday, September 17, 2007

Lock the doors and bar the windows

Did you ever have the crazy-ass, older brother who was always in trouble with the law? He's got an addiction problem and gets shit-faced drunk and turns violent? He used to show up at your house late at night and drunkenly threaten you and your mom and sisters, all crazy-eyes, doped up on some shit.

Your mom is too weak and ineffectual to control him and your dad is really just a waste of space and in truth, it was your Dad's habit of always beating your Mom and you and your sisters and his alcohol problem that made your brother so bat-shit crazy to begin with.

Then finally that brother gets thrown in the big-house for several years and you and your family finally feel safe and secure.

That psycho big-brother may be getting his walking papers and might be coming back home to terrorize the shit out of you again. That big-brother is Bush's own mercenary force, the religious-right Blackwater private army, er, security force. Seems like Iraq has had enough of Blackwater playing target practice with their civilians and have revoked their license to hunt human prey.

And just picture your weak, ineffectual mom, who couldn't control your brother, as Congress.

And your dad, the guy who helped to create your crazy-ass brother? Yep. That would be George W. Bush.

This is just what we need: hundreds of thousands of crazy, violent older brothers returning home with an itchy trigger finger.

Check please.

1 comment:

N said...

No posting for a week? :(